Bill of Quantities – BoQ

It serves as a comprehensive document that outlines the materials, labor, equipment, and other resources needed for each element of the project. BoQs are commonly used in construction contracts to provide a clear and transparent breakdown of project costs, enabling contractors to prepare accurate bids and clients to assess project pricing.

Example from an EPC Project (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction):

Let’s consider a BoQ for the construction of a small industrial plant:

Item No.DescriptionQuantityUnitRate (per unit)Total Cost
1Excavation and Earthwork5000 m^3Cubic Meters$20.00$100,000
2Concrete Foundations200 m^3Cubic Meters$150.00$30,000
3Structural Steel50 tonsTons$2,000.00$100,000
4Piping and Plumbing MaterialsLump SumLump Sum$50,000.00$50,000
5Electrical Wiring and EquipmentLump SumLump Sum$80,000.00$80,000

In this example, each item in the BoQ specifies a description of the work, the quantity required, the unit of measurement, the rate per unit, and the total cost. The rates per unit are typically based on market prices, historical data, or estimates provided by subcontractors or suppliers.

Now, let’s consider an example from an IT project:

Item No.DescriptionQuantityUnitRate (per unit)Total Cost
1Software DevelopmentLump SumLump Sum$100,000.00$100,000
2Hardware Procurement (Servers, Workstations)Lump SumLump Sum$50,000.00$50,000
3Network Infrastructure SetupLump SumLump Sum$30,000.00$30,000
4Database Licensing5 licensesPer License$10,000.00$50,000
5Training and DocumentationLump SumLump Sum$20,000.00$20,000

In this example, the BoQ for an IT project includes items such as software development, hardware procurement, network setup, licensing, training, and documentation. Similar to the EPC project example, each item specifies the description, quantity, unit of measurement, rate per unit, and total cost. The rates for IT services and products are typically based on market prices, vendor quotes, or estimates provided by IT consultants.