Daily Scrum

The Daily Scrum, also known as the Daily Stand-up or Daily Stand-up Meeting, is a short, timeboxed event held by the Scrum Team every day during a Sprint in the Scrum framework. Its primary purpose is to synchronize activities, foster collaboration, and identify any impediments or blockers that need to be addressed. Here’s an overview of the Daily Scrum:

  1. Frequency and Timing: The Daily Scrum is held once per day, typically at the same time and location, to provide consistency and routine for the team. It is timeboxed to a maximum of 15 minutes to ensure it remains focused and efficient.
  2. Attendance: The Daily Scrum is attended by the members of the Scrum Team, including the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team. Other stakeholders may be invited to observe but do not actively participate.
  3. Format: During the Daily Scrum, each team member provides a brief update on three key questions:
    • What did I do yesterday? Team members share what work they completed the previous day.
    • What will I do today? Team members discuss their plans for the current day and the work they intend to focus on.
    • Are there any impediments or blockers? Team members identify any obstacles or challenges that are hindering their progress and may require assistance from the Scrum Master or other team members to resolve.
  4. Focus on Collaboration: The Daily Scrum is not a status report to the Scrum Master or Product Owner but rather a collaborative conversation among team members. It provides an opportunity for team members to share information, coordinate efforts, and help each other overcome obstacles.
  5. Standing Meeting: The term “Daily Stand-up” reflects the practice of conducting the meeting while standing, which helps keep the meeting short and focused. Standing also encourages active participation and prevents team members from becoming too comfortable or distracted.
  6. Continuous Improvement: The Daily Scrum serves as a platform for continuous improvement, allowing the team to reflect on their progress, identify any emerging issues or risks, and adapt their plans and strategies accordingly. The Scrum Master may facilitate discussions around process improvements or help the team address any recurring impediments.
  7. Not for Problem Solving: While the Daily Scrum is a forum for identifying impediments, it is not the appropriate venue for solving complex problems or lengthy discussions. Instead, team members should note any impediments and collaborate outside of the meeting to address them effectively.

Overall, the Daily Scrum is a critical component of the Scrum framework, promoting transparency, collaboration, and alignment within the team and helping to ensure the timely delivery of high-quality product increments.