Development team

Here are the key roles and responsibilities of the Development Team:

  1. Developing Incremental Product Functionality: The primary responsibility of the Development Team is to develop and deliver increments of potentially shippable product functionality at the end of each Sprint. They work collaboratively to implement user stories, features, or other items from the Product Backlog according to the Definition of Done.
  2. Cross-Functional Collaboration: The Development Team is cross-functional, meaning it possesses all the skills necessary to deliver product increments independently. This typically includes software development, testing, design, user experience, and any other skills required to deliver the product.
  3. Self-Organization: The Development Team is self-organizing, meaning they have the autonomy to determine how best to accomplish their work. They decide how to organize their work, which tasks to undertake, and how to collaborate effectively to deliver the desired outcomes.
  4. Estimation and Commitment: The Development Team collaboratively estimates the effort required to implement items from the Product Backlog, typically using techniques like story points or time-based estimates. Based on these estimates and their capacity, they commit to delivering a certain amount of work during each Sprint.
  5. Daily Stand-ups: The Development Team participates in Daily Stand-up meetings, where they synchronize their activities, discuss progress, and identify any impediments or blockers that need to be addressed. The Daily Stand-up is a short, timeboxed meeting held every day to ensure alignment and transparency within the team.
  6. Collaborating with the Product Owner: The Development Team collaborates closely with the Product Owner to clarify requirements, refine the Product Backlog, and ensure that the work being undertaken aligns with the product vision and goals. They seek clarification on user stories and acceptance criteria and provide feedback to the Product Owner on the feasibility and impact of proposed features.
  7. Participating in Scrum Events: In addition to the Daily Stand-up, the Development Team participates in other Scrum events such as Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. They actively contribute to these meetings by sharing their insights, providing feedback, and helping to identify opportunities for improvement.
  8. Continuous Improvement: The Development Team is committed to continuous improvement, both in terms of their processes and their technical practices. They participate in Sprint Retrospectives to reflect on their performance, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments to their practices to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency.
  9. Maintaining Quality: The Development Team is responsible for maintaining the quality of the product increments they deliver. This includes writing clean, well-tested code, conducting thorough testing, and ensuring that the product meets the Definition of Done agreed upon by the team.

Overall, the Development Team is a highly collaborative and self-organizing group responsible for delivering high-quality product increments in each Sprint. They work closely with the Product Owner and other stakeholders to ensure that the product meets the needs of its users and stakeholders and continuously strive to improve their processes and practices.