Direct and manage project work

Direct and manage project execution as per the project plan comprises of;

  1. Implementing the Project Plan:
    • Direct and Manage Project Work involves executing the activities outlined in the project management plan. This includes implementing work packages, tasks, and activities according to the defined scope, schedule, and budget.
  2. Assigning Resources:
    • Allocate resources, including personnel, equipment, materials, and facilities, to project activities based on their availability, skills, and roles. Ensure that resources are deployed effectively to accomplish project tasks and deliverables.
  3. Coordinating Project Activities:
    • Coordinate the efforts of project team members, stakeholders, and other parties involved in project execution. Facilitate communication, collaboration, and cooperation among team members to ensure alignment with project objectives and priorities.
  4. Monitoring Progress:
    • Monitor and track the progress of project activities against the project plan. Use project management tools and techniques to measure performance, identify variances, and assess deviations from the planned schedule, budget, or scope.
  5. Managing Risks and Issues:
    • Identify, assess, and manage risks and issues that arise during project execution. Implement risk response plans to mitigate threats and exploit opportunities to achieve project objectives effectively.
  6. Ensuring Quality:
    • Implement quality assurance processes to ensure that project deliverables meet stakeholder requirements and quality standards. Conduct inspections, reviews, and audits to verify compliance with quality criteria and identify opportunities for improvement.
  7. Making Decisions:
    • Make timely and informed decisions to address issues, resolve conflicts, and overcome obstacles encountered during project execution. Use judgment, expertise, and available data to make decisions that support project success and alignment with objectives.
  8. Managing Changes:
    • Evaluate and manage change requests and modifications to the project plan, scope, schedule, or budget. Assess the impact of changes on project objectives, risks, and resources, and obtain approval from the appropriate stakeholders before implementing changes.
  9. Communicating Progress:
    • Communicate project progress, status, and updates to stakeholders, team members, and other relevant parties. Provide regular reports, updates, and briefings to ensure transparency and keep stakeholders informed throughout project execution.
  10. Documenting Project Performance:
    • Maintain accurate and up-to-date documentation of project activities, decisions, and outcomes. Document lessons learned, best practices, and project outcomes to facilitate knowledge transfer and continuous improvement.
  11. Ensuring Safety
  12. Ensuring timely procurements

By effectively directing and managing project work, project managers can ensure that project activities are executed efficiently, risks are managed effectively, and project objectives are achieved successfully. This process is critical for driving project success and delivering value to stakeholders.