
Difference between Work front and Work face in EPC Project Management


Definitely, this is not a topic that must be understood by those who are preparing for the PMP exam and at the same time this is of high importance for those who are working in EPC projects;

The terms "workface" and "work front" are often used in project management, especially in construction and industrial settings, but they have distinct meanings:

1.⁠ ⁠*Workface*:
- Refers to the physical location where the actual work is being performed. This is the site where workers, tools, and materials come together to execute tasks. It emphasizes the operational area where labor is actively taking place.
- In construction, the workface could be a specific area of a building site where tradespeople are actively working.

2.⁠ ⁠*Work Front*:
- Describes the portion of the project or task that is ready and available for work. It refers to the set of tasks or activities that can be started based on the current availability of resources, access, and approvals.
- A work front is not necessarily a physical location but more of a conceptual segment of work that is prepared to be executed.

In summary, the workface is about the physical space where the work happens, while the work front is about the readiness and scope of tasks available for execution.

Thanks to the project management conversations with seasoned professionals from the industry