Plan communications management

There are two types of communication – Push and Pull. Sending the project status reports to the stakeholders is an example of push communication. Having a project dashboard, which prompts the stakeholders to perform further analysis (drill down analysis) of the key health indicators of the project is an example of ‘Pull’ communication. Below is the snapshot of the project dashboard SmartProject.

Image courtesy Wrench Smart Project

Here’s how Plan communication management applies to both EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) and IT (Information Technology) projects:

Plan Communications Management Process:

  1. Identify Stakeholders: Project managers identify all stakeholders who have an interest in or influence over the project. This includes project sponsors, customers, end-users, team members, vendors, regulatory bodies, and other relevant parties. For EPC projects, stakeholders may include clients, regulatory agencies, subcontractors, and community stakeholders. For IT projects, stakeholders may include clients, users, technical teams, vendors, and business partners.
  2. Determine Communication Needs: Project managers assess the communication needs of stakeholders by identifying what information needs to be communicated, how often, and through which channels. This involves understanding stakeholders’ preferences, expectations, and level of involvement in the project. For EPC projects, communication needs may include progress updates, technical specifications, safety alerts, and change requests. For IT projects, communication needs may include project status updates, system requirements, user feedback, and change requests.
  3. Define Communication Channels: Project managers determine the most appropriate communication channels for delivering project information to stakeholders. This may include face-to-face meetings, email, phone calls, video conferencing, project management software, document repositories, and other collaboration tools. For EPC projects, communication channels may vary depending on the location of project stakeholders, the size of the project team, and the complexity of project deliverables. For IT projects, communication channels may include online collaboration platforms, issue tracking systems, and software development tools.
  4. Develop Communication Plan: Based on the communication needs and preferred channels identified, project managers develop a communication plan that outlines how project information will be communicated to stakeholders. The communication plan includes details such as the purpose of communication, frequency, timing, recipients, responsible parties, and escalation procedures. It also addresses how feedback will be solicited and incorporated into project communications. The communication plan ensures that project stakeholders receive the right information at the right time to support project objectives and decision-making.

A Communications Management Plan for an Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) project outlines how project communication will be planned, executed, and monitored throughout the project lifecycle. Here’s a sample Communications Management Plan tailored for an EPC project:

Project Communications Management Plan

Project Title: Construction of ABC Power Plant

Project Manager: [Name]

Project Overview: The ABC Power Plant project aims to design, procure, and construct a 200MW combined-cycle power plant to supply electricity to the local grid. The project duration is estimated to be 24 months.

1. Stakeholder Analysis

  • Key Stakeholders: Identify all stakeholders involved in the project, including project team members, client representatives, regulatory authorities, local community, suppliers, and subcontractors.
  • Stakeholder Expectations: Understand the communication needs and expectations of each stakeholder group.

2. Communication Objectives

  • Effective Communication: Ensure clear, timely, and accurate communication among project stakeholders to support project success.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Foster stakeholder engagement and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Issue Resolution: Facilitate timely resolution of project issues through effective communication channels.

3. Communication Channels

  • Project Meetings: Regular project team meetings will be held weekly to discuss project progress, issues, and action items.
  • Email: Email will be the primary mode of communication for routine updates, status reports, and formal communications.
  • Project Management Software: A project management platform will be used for document sharing, collaboration, and tracking project activities.
  • Phone/Video Conferencing: As needed for quick discussions, decision-making, and issue resolution.
  • Site Visits: Regular site visits will be conducted for stakeholders to observe construction progress and address on-site issues.

4. Communication Plan

  • Frequency: Define the frequency and timing of communication activities, including regular progress updates, milestone reports, and ad-hoc communications.
  • Audience: Identify the target audience for each communication activity, ensuring that relevant stakeholders receive the necessary information.
  • Content: Determine the content and format of communication materials, ensuring clarity, brevity, and relevance.
  • Responsibility: Assign responsibility for initiating, preparing, and delivering communication activities to appropriate project team members.

5. Escalation Procedure

  • Issue Escalation: Define the process for escalating project issues or concerns to higher levels of management or stakeholders.
  • Resolution Protocol: Specify how escalated issues will be addressed, including the involvement of relevant stakeholders and decision-making authorities.

6. Risk Management

  • Communication Risks: Identify potential risks related to communication breakdowns, misinterpretation, or delays.
  • Mitigation Strategies: Develop mitigation strategies to address communication risks, such as establishing redundant communication channels and clarifying communication protocols.

7. Performance Measurement

  • Communication Effectiveness Metrics: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of communication activities, such as response time, stakeholder satisfaction, and clarity of communication.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish feedback mechanisms to solicit input from stakeholders and project team members on communication effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

8. Documentation and Reporting

  • Communication Records: Maintain comprehensive records of all project communications, including meeting minutes, email correspondence, and formal reports.
  • Communication Reports: Regular communication reports will be generated to summarize project progress, issues, and upcoming activities for distribution to stakeholders.

9. Change Management

  • Communication of Changes: Define how changes to project scope, schedule, or budget will be communicated to stakeholders, ensuring transparency and alignment.
  • Impact Assessment: Assess the impact of changes on project communication activities and adjust the communication plan accordingly.

10. Training and Awareness

  • Communication Training: Provide training to project team members on effective communication techniques, including active listening, conflict resolution, and written communication skills.
  • Stakeholder Awareness: Educate stakeholders about the project communication plan, their roles and responsibilities, and how they can contribute to effective communication.

11. Appendix

  • Stakeholder Contact List: A comprehensive list of project stakeholders, including their contact information and communication preferences.
  • Communication Templates: Templates for meeting agendas, status reports, and other communication materials.

This Communications Management Plan provides a structured approach to managing project communication, ensuring that information is disseminated effectively, stakeholders are engaged, and project objectives are achieved.