Plan Quality management

Cost of Quality (COQ) = Price of Conformance (POC) + Price of Non Conformance (PONC)

All the activities performed to prevent problems from happening falls under the Price Of Conformance (POC);

  • Reviews
  • Right recruitment
  • Right training
  • Right processes etc

All the activities performed for damage controlling (rework) can be classified under price of non conformance)

  • Defect fixing
  • Customer complaint haindling
  • Penalities paid
  • Litigations
  • Generating scrap / waste

Plan Quality Management is the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and determining how the project will demonstrate compliance with those requirements. It involves defining quality objectives, metrics, and activities necessary to ensure that the project meets the stakeholders’ quality expectations. Here’s how it applies to both EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) and IT (Information Technology) projects:

  1. Identify Quality Requirements: In this step, project managers identify the quality requirements and standards that must be met for the project to be successful. This involves understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders and determining the quality attributes that are critical to the project’s success.
  2. Define Quality Metrics: Quality metrics are specific, measurable criteria used to evaluate the quality of project deliverables and processes. These metrics help project managers assess whether project objectives are being met and identify areas for improvement. Examples of quality metrics include defect rates, customer satisfaction scores, and adherence to technical specifications.
  3. Establish Quality Objectives: Quality objectives are specific, measurable goals that the project aims to achieve in terms of quality. These objectives should be aligned with the project’s overall goals and stakeholders’ expectations. For example, a quality objective for an EPC project might be to ensure that all construction materials meet industry standards and specifications, while a quality objective for an IT project might be to deliver software with minimal defects and high usability.
  4. Plan Quality Activities: This step involves determining the quality assurance and quality control activities that will be performed throughout the project lifecycle to ensure that quality standards are met. Quality assurance activities focus on preventing defects and ensuring that processes are followed correctly, while quality control activities focus on identifying and correcting defects in project deliverables. Examples of quality activities include inspections, reviews, testing, and audits.
  5. Define Acceptance Criteria: Acceptance criteria specify the conditions that must be met for project deliverables to be accepted by stakeholders. These criteria are used to determine whether deliverables meet the quality standards and requirements defined for the project. For example, acceptance criteria for an EPC project might include specific performance thresholds for a completed facility, while acceptance criteria for an IT project might include user acceptance testing criteria for software functionality.


  • EPC Project Example: In an EPC project to construct a new manufacturing facility, the Plan Quality Management process might involve identifying quality requirements for materials, equipment, and construction methods. Quality metrics could include the percentage of materials meeting industry standards and the defect rate during construction. Quality objectives might include ensuring compliance with relevant safety regulations and achieving a specified level of durability for the facility. Quality activities could include regular inspections of construction materials, testing of structural components, and adherence to quality control procedures.
  • IT Project Example: In an IT project to develop a new software application, the Plan Quality Management process might involve identifying quality requirements for software functionality, performance, and user experience. Quality metrics could include the number of defects identified during testing, response time for key functions, and user satisfaction ratings. Quality objectives might include delivering software that meets specified performance benchmarks and achieves a high level of user satisfaction. Quality activities could include code reviews, automated testing, usability testing, and continuous monitoring of system performance.

In both examples, the Plan Quality Management process helps ensure that the project delivers high-quality results that meet stakeholder expectations and contribute to overall project success.

A Quality Management Plan (QMP) is a key document in project management that outlines how quality will be ensured throughout the project lifecycle. While specific contents may vary depending on the project’s requirements and the organization’s standards, here are the typical components of a Quality Management Plan:

  1. Introduction and Purpose: This section provides an overview of the Quality Management Plan, its purpose, and its relevance to the project. It may also include background information about the project and its objectives.
  2. Quality Policy and Objectives: The Quality Management Plan should establish the project’s quality policy, which defines the organization’s commitment to quality and sets the overall quality objectives for the project. These objectives should align with the project’s goals and stakeholder expectations.
  3. Quality Management Framework: This section outlines the framework and methodologies that will be used to manage quality throughout the project. It may include references to industry standards, regulatory requirements, and best practices relevant to the project domain.
  4. Quality Roles and Responsibilities: The Quality Management Plan should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of project team members regarding quality management. This includes roles such as the Quality Manager, Quality Assurance team, Quality Control team, and other stakeholders involved in quality-related activities.
  5. Quality Planning: This section details the processes and activities involved in planning for quality management. It may include the following sub-sections:
    • Quality Planning Process: Describes how quality requirements will be identified, documented, and integrated into the project plan.
    • Quality Criteria and Standards: Specifies the quality criteria, standards, and metrics that will be used to evaluate project deliverables.
    • Quality Assurance Activities: Outlines the activities and procedures for ensuring that quality requirements are met throughout the project lifecycle.
  6. Quality Assurance: This section describes the activities and processes for ensuring that project processes and deliverables conform to established quality standards. It may include:
    • Quality Audits: Describes how audits will be conducted to assess compliance with quality requirements and identify areas for improvement.
    • Process Improvement: Outlines how feedback from quality audits and other sources will be used to improve project processes and performance.
  7. Quality Control: This section outlines the processes and activities for monitoring and verifying project deliverables to ensure they meet quality requirements. It may include:
    • Inspection and Testing: Describes how inspection, testing, and validation activities will be conducted to verify the quality of project deliverables.
    • Corrective and Preventive Actions: Outlines procedures for addressing non-conformances, defects, or deviations from quality standards, including corrective and preventive actions.
  8. Quality Reporting and Documentation: Describes how quality-related information will be documented, reported, and communicated to stakeholders. It may include formats for quality reports, frequency of reporting, and distribution channels.
  9. Training and Awareness: Outlines plans for providing training and raising awareness among project team members about quality management processes, standards, and best practices.
  10. Quality Reviews and Continuous Improvement: Describes how periodic reviews of quality performance will be conducted and how lessons learned will be captured and used to improve future project performance.
  11. Appendices: May include additional reference materials, templates, or supporting documentation relevant to quality management.

By documenting these components in the Quality Management Plan, project teams can ensure that quality requirements are clearly defined, understood, and implemented throughout the project lifecycle.