Product backlog

  1. Prioritized List: Items in the Product Backlog are ordered based on their relative importance and value to the product and its stakeholders. The Product Owner determines the priority of each item, with the highest priority items typically at the top of the list.
  2. Dynamic and Evolving: The Product Backlog is a living document that evolves over time as new information emerges, priorities change, and the product vision becomes clearer. It is continuously refined and updated to reflect the latest understanding of the product and its requirements.
  3. Detailed and Emergent: While the top items in the Product Backlog are typically well-defined and detailed, lower-priority items may be less detailed and may evolve over time as more information becomes available. This allows for flexibility and adaptation as the project progresses.
  4. Negotiable: The Product Backlog is negotiable, meaning that the scope and priority of items can be adjusted based on feedback from stakeholders, changes in market conditions, or other factors. The Product Owner collaborates with stakeholders to ensure that the Product Backlog reflects the most valuable work to be done.
  5. Visible and Transparent: The Product Backlog is transparent and visible to all members of the Scrum Team and stakeholders. It provides a clear understanding of the work to be done and helps to align the team and stakeholders around common goals and priorities.
  1. User Stories: Descriptions of product functionality from the perspective of an end-user, typically written in a format such as “As a [user], I want [feature] so that [benefit].”
  2. Technical Tasks: Work items related to technical improvements, infrastructure changes, refactoring, or other technical aspects of the product.
  3. Bugs and Defects: Items that describe issues or defects in the product that need to be fixed.
  4. Epics: Larger, high-level features or initiatives that may be broken down into smaller user stories or tasks.
  1. Grooming: The Product Backlog is continuously groomed and refined by the Product Owner and the Scrum Team. This involves adding new items, removing obsolete items, and updating priorities based on changing requirements and feedback.
  2. Estimation: Items in the Product Backlog are typically estimated by the Development Team to provide a rough understanding of the effort required to implement them. This helps the Product Owner in prioritizing and planning the work.
  3. Sprint Planning: Before the start of each Sprint, the Product Owner and the Development Team collaborate to select a subset of items from the Product Backlog to be worked on during the Sprint. These items form the Sprint Backlog for that Sprint.

Overall, the Product Backlog is a fundamental tool in Scrum for managing and prioritizing the work needed to deliver a product, ensuring that the team focuses on the most valuable work and delivers incremental value to the stakeholders.