Servant leadership

In traditional leadership models, the leader’s primary focus is often on the accumulation of power, authority, and the accomplishment of organizational goals. However, servant leadership flips this paradigm by prioritizing the needs of others, such as team members, employees, and the community, above the leader’s own interests.

The concept of servant leadership was popularized by Robert K. Greenleaf in his essay “The Servant as Leader,” published in 1970. Greenleaf proposed that a servant-leader is someone who actively seeks to serve others and places the growth and well-being of their followers above all else. The servant-leader is empathetic, compassionate, and committed to the personal and professional development of those they lead.

  1. Empathy: Servant leaders are empathetic and strive to understand the perspectives, feelings, and needs of their team members. They listen actively and seek to support their followers in achieving their goals.
  2. Humility: Servant leaders exhibit humility and recognize that they are not infallible or superior to others. They are willing to admit their mistakes, seek feedback, and learn from those they lead.
  3. Service: The primary focus of servant leadership is on serving others. Servant leaders prioritize the needs of their team members and work to support their growth, development, and success.
  4. Empowerment: Servant leaders empower their followers by providing them with the resources, autonomy, and support they need to excel. They trust their team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work.
  5. Vision: While servant leaders prioritize the needs of others, they also have a clear vision and direction for their organization or team. They communicate this vision effectively and inspire others to work towards common goals.
  6. Stewardship: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization’s resources and culture. They take responsibility for the well-being of their team members and work to create a positive and inclusive work environment.

Overall, servant leadership is a people-centric approach to leadership that emphasizes empathy, humility, and service. By focusing on the needs of others, servant leaders can inspire trust, foster collaboration, and drive meaningful change within their organizations.